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Storytelling in research spaces: Designs and tools to engage stakeholders and showcase stories of success

John Roberson
John Roberson
CEO, Chief Cheerleader

Institutional and corporate leadership are taking a long hard look at what your research is achieving. Who knows and understands the research and its accomplishments? How does the staff and building occupant experience factor into the bigger picture of funding and effective research? And how are you effectively telling the story of the work you're producing? John Roberson guides the group through a step-by-step plan of how to tell your brand's research story in a way that moves your audiences and persuades them to action. He demonstrates how leveraging these narratives will enhance brand identity and recognition. 

Occurs Location
Monday, April 8 1:10PM - 2:05PM
Atlantic 1
CEU Type Units
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
1.00 Units