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Complex retrofit projects in critical environments: The road to decarbonization

Significant hurdles are impeding universities in the quest to decarbonize their lab buildings: Safety, cost, timelines, and the scale the energy transition requires. In this case study, Walt King compares legacy project processes to the new processes required for complex retrofit projects in critical science, engineering, and research environments. He demonstrates how a successful decarbonization project must go beyond just new technology to combine innovative funding, leveraging of rebate incentives, and carbon penalty avoidance with best-in-class technology for maximized efficiency gains. In addition, Walt demonstrates how institutional culture influences this new method and the outcomes that can be expected. 

Thursday, April 11th 2:20PM - 3:15PM
CEU Type Units
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
1.00 Units
Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW)
1.00 Units