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Construction Begins on Arkansas Public Health Laboratory

Published 9/6/2004

Construction began in August 2004 on a $23-million public health laboratory in Little Rock for the Arkansas Department of Health. When completed in December 2005, the three-story, 82,000-sf facility will include nearly 50,000 sf of laboratory space for the high quality testing and control of bioterroristic agents as well as infectious and genetic diseases. The facility's architectural team includes designers at Atlanta-based Lord, Aeck & Sargent and Little Rock-based architect of record, The Wilcox Group. The facility will house 4,500 sf of BSL-3 and 45,000 sf of BSL-2 containment laboratories, as well as offices, conference rooms, a library, information technology facilities, and spaces for training, data entry, and specimen receiving and login.

The facility also incorporates a number of sustainable design features aimed at decreasing operational costs. To ensure that it will be energy efficient despite the extensive use of large windows, the building will utilize sophisticated exterior shading devices that prevent direct sunlight from entering the building. In addition, a cutting-edge energy recovery mechanical system will save a significant amount in future energy costs. Water conservation strategies include development of a wetland area for site and roof water runoff. The project contractor is Little Rock-based Nabholz Construction Corporation.


Lord Aeck Sargent