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U.S. Geological Survey Begins Construction on Energy and Minerals Research Facility

Published 9/13/2023
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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began construction in September of 2023 on the $240 million Energy and Minerals Research Facility in Golden, Colo. Sited on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines, the 190,000-sf building will enable 250 USGS researchers to work side-by-side with 68 of the university's investigators and 150 students. This collaborative nexus for applied geosciences will include state-of-the-art laboratories, faculty offices, graduate student workstations, a classroom, and a café. Designed by Perkins&Will, the project will enable the federal agency to move the Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center and the Central Energy Resources Science Center from their current home at the Denver Federal Center. A connection between the new facility and the existing USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center will also be created. Completion is expected in fall of 2026.

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