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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Approves Master Plan

Published 8/9/2019

The University of Carolina at Chapel Hill approved a new campus master plan in summer of 2019. Focusing on renovation and renewal of existing facilities, the plan will support the creation of mixed-use environments, new transportation resources, and the leveraging of physical assets for innovative and efficient uses. Three guiding principles are shaping UNC's campus renewal: 

  • Welcome: Improve the visitor experience and communicate the region's unique and enduring qualities.
  • Connections: Enhance a comprehensive network of pedestrian, vehicular, bike, and transit options.
  • Hubs: Encourage a dynamic mix of uses and programs in each building and within the key districts of the campus.

Projects soon to be completed include the modernization of Stacy Hall, the relocation of the UNC Visitors Center, and the demolition of Odum Village to enable the creation of the Campus South Hub. Over the next seven years, the Institute for Convergent Science will be constructed and the Parker and Teague residence halls will be redeveloped. Ayers Saint Gross was the architectural consultant for the master plan.

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Ayers Saint Gross