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LEO A DALY Releases Report on Reoccupancy Strategies for Academic Campuses

Published 6/29/2020

LEO A DALY published a white paper in June of 2020 detailing strategies for academic campus operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Created by a group of planners, architects, and engineers specializing in higher education, the report explores how emerging guidelines can be applied to existing buildings. The team applied design thinking to three key areas:

  • A study of infection dynamics on the entire campus led to the proposition of “cohorts” as a mechanism for limiting exposure. 
  • Two campus building types, including a general purpose academic building and a traditional residence hall with shared toilet and shower facilities, were analyzed in detail.
  • “Pinch points” were identified that suggest the need for behavioral and physical modifications to more closely comply with the intent of the guidelines.

Recommendations include the use of a one-way circulation system in academic buildings, the incorporation of UV-C lighting technologies for pathogen mitigation, and the installation of no-touch fixtures and hardware in restrooms.

"Returning to Campus During the COVID-19 Pandemic" is available from LEO A DALY.

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Architect and Consultant